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Excellent, Unforgettable, Best of the nest
Very good, thoroughly enjoyed,
Good, Solid, Enjoyed many aspects
If Big Little Lies had zombies in it...
When SLF writes, I listen. I love all her books and this is no exception. BUT. Yes, I am so sorry to say there is a but. I came into this with preconceptions. Having devoured both of SLF's previous series like zombie would its victim, I thought this would be a tale of one big zombie-fighting family of friends.
This is a different beast. For one thing, the characters are older, in a different life stage. Also, there are more main characters, more storylines. The first difference I liked, especially as I am able to relate more to this cast than a group in their twenties.
The second element is where there's a slight issue. I'd say there are too many plots and it got confusing. It's also more difficult to connect with the characters if you spend less time with each one.
BUT - and I butcher the rules of sentence writing with the noblest of intentions because I'm turning this car around yet again - if I had not known this was SLF, I would have enjoyed it anyway and possibly more. Why more? Because I was comparing. I'll re-listen to this for sure and I'll get the rest of the series.
🎧 It's always nice to have different voices for male and female characters and all the narrators were excellent. It also alleviated some of the character confusion to have different voices as signposts.
No spoilers for this one. Maybe next time!

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World Departed
In the zombie apocalypse, your worst enemy may be yourself.
Rose Winter has enough problems. With a marriage going down the tubes and a dreaded anniversary party on the horizon, the last thing she needs is the zombie apocalypse. She wanted to get drunk and sing karaoke, not murder her undead neighbours. It’s clear the party’s over, however, now Rose has more problems - a missing husband, an overbearing houseguest, and keeping her family alive.
Tom Jensen has inflexible rules. Rule number one? Don’t deviate from the plan. But when his life is overturned in the space of minutes, his plans die along with everything else. The world is finished, the future is uncertain, and survival means living in the last place he’d planned to be. Maybe his rules weren’t meant to be broken, but if he can’t change his tune, he risks losing the one thing he has left - his daughter.
Craig Matthews has a mission: get to Oregon. Doable, maybe, if he could bring himself to leave his apartment. With his food and water near gone and death closer than ever, a chance encounter may lead to finding his friends - if he can first find his courage.
Unfortunately, the new world doesn’t always mean leaving old problems behind, and as the West Coast succumbs to the virus, the survivors face more than the undead - they face themselves. But in an existence where fences offer dubious safety and zombies certain danger, people may save you in more ways than one.
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