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Audiobook Review

The Widow

Fiona Barton
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10 hrs and 29 mins


Hannah Curtis, Nicholas Guy Smith, Mandy Williams, Jayne Entwistle, Steve West

average rating is 4 out of 5
average rating is 5 out of 5

Excellent, Unforgettable, Best of the nest

Very good, thoroughly enjoyed, 

Good, Solid, Enjoyed many aspects


One of the best psychological thrillers I've read.


💛 Wow. Just wow. As someone fascinated by the human aspects of true rime, this deals with an oft forgotten, but compelling, aspect. That of the family of the evil-doer.

🧡 Well researched with strong characters and a gripping plot, this is a book I couldn't put down. Recommended to the highest degree.

💚 The subject matter is difficult, but dealt with sympathetically and in a way which means it's still a comfortable read.

💙 I'll tell you what I wouldn't compare this to: Gone Girl or Girl on a Train. All three are great, but share only a genre and author nationality. In most other respects they are completely different. If you're looking for a more similar author, I'd go with the truly excellent Rachel Abbott. What's more, if you enjoy this, Barton has since released more equally good books.


🎧 Claire Corbett is always a safe pair of vocal chords. She's at a disadvantage here though. As the sole narrator in a story with two similar narrators, I think she was compelled to sacrifice one for the other. The voice she used for the journalist was the better of the two and would have suited the widow just as well. As it was, it was difficult to visualise the widow.

🎧 The chapter listings need amending to show what's an intro/outro and to correctly reflect chapter numbers. It would also be good if the narrator were identified there.


No spoilers for this one. Maybe next time!
Click For Spoilers

The Widow


We've all seen him: the man - the monster - staring from the front page of every newspaper, accused of a terrible crime.

But what about her: the woman who grips his arm on the courtroom stairs - the wife who stands by him?

Jean Taylor's life was blissfully ordinary. Nice house, nice husband. Glen was all she'd ever wanted: her Prince Charming.

Until he became that man accused, that monster on the front page. Jean was married to a man everyone thought capable of unimaginable evil.

But now Glen is dead, and she's alone for the first time, free to tell her story on her own terms.

Jean Taylor is going to tell us what she knows.
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